Today, we would like to talk about a miraculous country of Azerbaijan with its unlimited natural resources, centuries-old culture, history and ancient people, whose lifestyle presents a unique and harmonious combination of the traditions and ceremonies of different cultures and civilizations.
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "Azer" was used for this territory for a long time. The word "Azer" consists of two parts - "az" and "er". In Turkic languages, "az" means a good intention and a fate of success. Thus, the word "Azer" means "a brave man", "a brave boy", "the fire keeper". The word "Azerbaijan" originates from the name of an ancient Turkish tribe, who resided in those territories.

Azerbaijan is one of the most ancient sites of humankind. The humankind was present here at every stage of their historical development. There were living settlements in Azerbaijan even at the earliest stages of humankind. Azerbaijan made its own contribution into the establishment of the current culture and civilization, progress and dialectics.
Azerbaijan is currently involved into the implementation of huge energy projects. Oil and gas projects are successfully implemented in the Azeri Caspian sector. Azerbaijan is a country, which plays an extremely important role in the Caspian and Caucasian regions, particularly in the development of transport infrastructure in the Caucasus and the implementation of energy projects. It was the region's first country to explore the huge energy potential, to form an absolutely new economic model in the regional development, and to expand political and economic relations between Europe and Asia

One of the world's most ancient nations - the nation of Azerbaijan - has the right to feel proud for its history, material and cultural monuments, literature, arts and music heritage.
Wonderful nature, climate, natural resources of the country produced a significant impact on artistic thinking and creation skills of Azerbaijani people as well. In spite of a long and difficult way undergone by different types of arts in Azerbaijan, they still represent a unity and provide outstanding opportunities for the creation of a full idea of fine arts of Azerbaijan. The folk arts of Azerbaijan are multi-colored, complete and rich, as its natural resources. The folk art is connected with daily life of people and daily life occupies a very special life in the fine arts as well. Folk arks cover a long period from ancient times to nowadays and including a variety of products from garments to housing goods and decoration.
Quite obviously, the style of life, aesthetic tastes, the national image and qualities, are strongly reflected in folk arts. One can easily come across numerous wonderful models of Azerbaijani folk arts in the world's largest museums. The pieces of arts created by the skillful hands of Tabriz, Nakhichevan, Gandja, Gazakh, Guba, Naku, Shaki, Shamakhi and Nagorny Kharabakh can be found in large museum collections of Victoria and Albert of London, Louvers of Paris, Metropoliten of Vashington and Vienna, Rome, Berlin, Istanbul, Tehran, Cairo museums.
Azerbaijani music was developing through the centuries. The traces of ancient music of Azerbaijan were found in a number of monuments, excavated in time of archeological digs, as well as in rock carvings of Gobustan (18-3 millennium B.C) and Gemigaya (3-1 millennium B.C). Kitabi Dede Gorgud (8th century), creative works of Nizami, Fizuli provide full coverage of medieval music art, music genres and music instruments. The records of such prominent medieval scientists of Azerbaijan as Sefiaddin Urmevi (18 century), Abdulgadir Maragai (17 century), Mir Movsum Nevvab (19 century) pointed out the highly developed art and culture of music and mastery performance and cited theoretical issues of music in medieval Azerbaijan.

The comedy was translated into English, German, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, Polish, Ukrainian, Belarus, Georgian and other languages (nearly 70 languages), staged in 120 theater in Moscow, Istanbul, New-York, Paris, London, Teheran, Cairo, Beijing, Berlin, Warsaw, Sofia, Budapest, Bucharest and other cities and repeatedly put on screen (in Baku, 1916-1917, in USA in the 1930th, in Soviet Azerbaijan, in 1945 and 1960). With Rashid Behbutov (1915-1989), playing the principal role, the opera gained worldwide popularity. The popular actor of the USSR R.Behbudov sang folklore and composed songs, played the role of Balash of the opera Sevil by F.Amirov. He was also the founder and leader of the theater "Mahny"
Azerbaijan is characterized by a diversed landscape. There are two major forms of landscape-plains and mountains.
Mountains cover 60% of the total area of the Azerbaijan republic.
The principle geomorphological structures of Azerbaijan Republic -Major Caucasus, Minor Caucasus (with Garabagh plateau) and Talysh mountains surround the Kur-Araz lowland in the north, west and south-east. The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic is situated in the mid course of the River Araz and within the boundaries of Zengezur and Dereleyez chains of mountains, fringing with the river.Talysh mountains cover the south-east of the country. They are composed mainly of Tertiary sediments. Talysh mountains are the chain of transition from Minor Caucasus to Elbrus mountains in Iran. They consist of three mountain chains, reaching 2477 meters in height and a number of their ranges.
Kur-Araz lowland lies on the area between Major and Minor Caucasus and Talysh Mountains. As the largest intermontane lowland in the entire Transcaucasia it covers the central part of the country.
The Kur and Araz rivers divide the lowland into five plains: Shirvan, Qarabagh, Mil, Mughan and Salyan plains. Samur-Devechi lowland, resting on Qusar sloping plain on the Caspian Sea shore, streches from Absheron peninsula to the north. Lenkeran lowland runs from the Absheron Peninsula to the south on the foothills of Talysh mountains. Kur-Araz, Samur-Devechi, Lenkeran lowlands and most part of the Absheron peninsula lie below sea leve

Bilateral and multilateral relations establish and develop also with within the frames of the Organisations of Islamic Conference(OIC), the Organisation of Economic Cooperation of the Black Sea(OECBS), GUUAM, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation (OEC), ESCAP, OECD, the Council of Tourism of UIS members, and other regional and global organisations.
The delegation of the ministry participated in the 15th session of the Chief Assembly of the UTO held in Peking, China, in the OIC conferences of the ministers of tourism of member-states held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Malaysia and the meetings of working group of OECBS on the sphere of Tourism held in Greece, Turkey and Albania.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism held the International Conference on "Tourism opportunities in OECBS region" with the participation of the deputies of the ministers of tourism of OECBS member-states in Baku.
The Republic of Azerbaijan has been also represented in the meetings of the Council of Tourism of UIS members held in Yalta, Moscow, the city Kishinyov in the republic of Moldova. Particular attention in the sphere of tourism is paid to bilateral relations.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism established intensive relations with the state tourism entities of Turkish Republic, the Republic of Australia, the Republic of Greece, Russian Federation, the Republic of Georgia, Ukraine and the Republic of Uzbekistan and constantly held meetings with them.

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